Monday, September 19, 2011


So, the first episode of "Two and a Half Men 2.0" premiered today.

Okay, so, it sucked.

I understand that Charlie Sheen's offscreen antics are what caused him to be fired from the show, but killing him off in a gruesome, not to mention plothole-ridden, manner is just steering the show in the wrong direction. None of the plot really made much sense, and the jokes are getting progressively worse. Charlie Sheen's alchol-driven antics were hilarious, but now the show has been reduced to nothing more than lame puns and rushed changes.

Let's be serious, folks, are we even watching because we're interested in what happens? Or do we just want to see how fast the show will go down the drain. What happened to the last popular sitcom whose 9th season got rid of the main cast and tried replacing them?

It got cancelled.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Get to Youtube From School

This method works for many other sites as well, but Youtube is the most popular one for some reason. No more half-baked proxies, just look at the prefix.

That won't work. The school blocks that.

Adding an S to the end of it makes it work, because most internet filters don't block SSL.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This City's Burning, It's Not My Burden

Mr. Graphic Design Teacher told us to take random photographs of things... And I haven't made a post in a few weeks...

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce...

These are blurry and out of order. I don't care. It's not like I can tell just by looking at the thumbnails, and I really don't feel like going through and renaming all of them.

Wake Me Up When September Ends (9/11/11)

Well, today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11. It's obvious by now that most of the people responsible have been brought to justice. I can only hope that we can completely stop them before it is too late... And that some idiot in a turban doesn't go blow himself up today.