Monday, November 21, 2011

How I "Fixed" the GHFC Computers

If you’ve ever been to the Gainesville Health and Fitness Center, you probably know that they have three public computers in their lobby. You probably also know that they put every restriction imaginable on them. You can’t view any folders, right click, open notepad or command prompt, or even download any files. Well, obviously, I spent about twenty minutes trying to “fix” them. If you ever wanted to figure out how I do what I do, read on.

So, yeah, no opening folders at all. My Documents, My Computer, et cetera were all blocked and removed from the desktop and start menu. But, hey, Control Panel was still available in the start menu. Obviously you can’t actually change anything with it, but if you click the “Previous Folder” button, you’ll find yourself in the My Computer menu. From there, I went through the (Z:) drive and looked through the system files until I could find a text file. No (C:) drive, which is kind of odd, just a file server drive with a couple of system files. But, anyways, I found a text file and opened it. I changed its contents to
START %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe
And saved it as a Batch file with a new name. So, whenever I click it, it opens up command prompt. This is the last thing people who put restrictions on computers want you to do. From there, it was pretty easy to create a new admin account that is restriction free.  I just typed the following into command prompt.
net user /add ADMINLOL

And then I made my new account an admin by using the following.

New localgroup administrators ADMINLOL /add

So if you’re ever at the GHFC, use the middle computer. Sign in as ADMINLOL and wreak some havoc. Use some of the programs I have on Project Carthage. Or, hell, just do some homework. This frees up some other, non-mischievous possibilities too, you know. In fact, screw it, don't do anything bad with their computers. They're nice people. Instead, use this tutorial to help you "liberate" other computers.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hidden Messages in the AC:R E3 Demo

I wanted to see if the text was actually a programming language, or just something made up, and I ended up finding a crap ton of hidden messages.



54 68 72 65 65 20 6c 69 76 65
73 20 74 6f 69 6c 65 64 2e 20
54 68 72 65 65 20 6c 69 76 65
73 20 6c 6f 73 74 2e 20 54 68
72 65 65 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67
65 73 20 64 65 6c 69 76 65 72
65 64 3a 20 74 68 65 20 67 72
65 65 74 69 6e 67 2c 20 74 68
65 20 77 61 72 6e 69 6e 67 2c
20 74 68 65 20 72 65 76 65 6c
61 74 69 6f 6e 2e


10/6/2001 - I Remember
3/21/2002 - Black Hills
3/16/2002 - Wood Smoke
12/08/2002 - Mother Sad
12/08/2002 - Father Mad
7/22/2002 - Nothing Is True
7/22/2002 - Everything Is Permitted
2/4/2003 - Bored Of War Stories
8/3/2003 - Pain Killers
8/23/2003 - Faces In Stone
8/16/2003 - Escape
8/23/2003 - What Is This Place
5/16/2003 - Chicago Girls
8/27/2003 - Not Far Enough
8/14/2004 - 12 To 16
3/11/2004 - They Will Find Me
3/3/2005 - Just A Cult
8/16/2005 WHERE ARE YOU!
8/16/2008 - So Much Noise
6/12/2008 CALL HOME!
2/16/2009 - The Everything City
2/4/2011 - Just Add Gin
9/17/2011 - The JMZ
8/8/2012 - I Am Not Alive
9/8/2012 - Bad Weather
8/10/2012 - Nine Years Alone
9/17/2012 Are You Desmond Miles?
9/19/2012 Bastards!

"Three lives toiled. Three lives lost. Three messages delivered: the greeting, the warning, the revelation."

Monday, September 19, 2011


So, the first episode of "Two and a Half Men 2.0" premiered today.

Okay, so, it sucked.

I understand that Charlie Sheen's offscreen antics are what caused him to be fired from the show, but killing him off in a gruesome, not to mention plothole-ridden, manner is just steering the show in the wrong direction. None of the plot really made much sense, and the jokes are getting progressively worse. Charlie Sheen's alchol-driven antics were hilarious, but now the show has been reduced to nothing more than lame puns and rushed changes.

Let's be serious, folks, are we even watching because we're interested in what happens? Or do we just want to see how fast the show will go down the drain. What happened to the last popular sitcom whose 9th season got rid of the main cast and tried replacing them?

It got cancelled.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Get to Youtube From School

This method works for many other sites as well, but Youtube is the most popular one for some reason. No more half-baked proxies, just look at the prefix.

That won't work. The school blocks that.

Adding an S to the end of it makes it work, because most internet filters don't block SSL.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This City's Burning, It's Not My Burden

Mr. Graphic Design Teacher told us to take random photographs of things... And I haven't made a post in a few weeks...

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce...

These are blurry and out of order. I don't care. It's not like I can tell just by looking at the thumbnails, and I really don't feel like going through and renaming all of them.

Wake Me Up When September Ends (9/11/11)

Well, today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11. It's obvious by now that most of the people responsible have been brought to justice. I can only hope that we can completely stop them before it is too late... And that some idiot in a turban doesn't go blow himself up today.

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Hide Headphones in a Jacket

Hello, children. Welcome to another helpful tutorial from your good friend QWERTY. So, you want to listen to music in class? Take a quick look into your closet, then read ahead.

The first thing you'll need is a hoodie you don't mind cutting up a bit. Nothing on the outside will be changed, but don't go and mutilate a $500 leather jacket.

The next thing you'll need is a wristband. Not one of those rubber ones that fit loosely, but a fabric one that fits snugly around your wrist.

Open the sweater up and poke a small hole or cut a horizontal slit near the top of the pocket, on the inside.

Place your audio device into the pocket, and run the headphones through the jacket as shown.

Secure the headphone in place with the wristband. The wristband will secure the headphone in place, so it is possible to walk around and move comfortably with the setup in place. 

Now that your hoodie is complete, you must learn how to use it. The MP3 player will be in your pocket, so it is easy to operate, and the headphone can be listened to by resting your head on it and acting sleepy. Note that the type of headphone I used in this demonstration are incredibly bad for this type of listening, and I recommend using ones that don't require being shoved into your ear. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How To Asplode Stuff

The following is for educational purposes only. I, by no means, recommend that you actually try this. It produces a strong explosion that can be very dangerous. Every year, many people die or lose their eyesight because of this experiment. Be careful. 

Take a normal water bottle and empty it out if you haven't already. Find some Work's Toilet Bowl Cleaner (it has to be this specific brand). Then put an inch of it into the bottle, put seven small balls of tinfoil in after it, shake it, and it will explode. Set it down and run away, throw it somewhere where it won't cause damage, just don't hurt yourself!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Three Birds With One (Huge Nuclear) Stone.

You'd have to be blind to not notice that our country is in some pretty deem crap right now. Illegal immigration, war, the economy... The things that define our generation. Many politicians have tried, and failed, to find a solution to these problems. I am here to present to you a plan that will eliminate all of them in one fell swoop.

1. Tell all of the illegal immigrants they can become U.S. citizens if they serve in the military for one month.

2. Pull back all of our normal troops, and deploy the new immigrants. 

3. Nuke the middle east. All of it.

4. After the nuclear fallout, take their oil and land.

And, there you have it. We just, theoretically, eliminated all Illegal immigration, war, and economic trouble. At this point you may be saying, "But QWERTY! Killing all of those people is wrong!"

Well, you have no damn sense of humor.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Monument To All Your Sins

Well, it looks like I'm going to be moving away from Butler Plaza shortly after school starts. The ironic part? I'm moving into a neighborhood. Butler Plaza has been my personal playground for over a year, and all they'll have to remember me by is a few grainy security camera shots, some stenciling, and this awesome necklace.


Ah, Summer Reading. They say it's to keep us reading during the summer, but only people in advanced reading have it. Chances are, people with advanced reading are probably already reading (and enjoying it). There aren't even exceptions for students who go on vacation, or students who simply cannot get the book. It seems to me like another failed attempt by the school system to intrude on student's personal lives.

Summer vacation? Read some books!

Parents wake up late and drop you off late? Detention!

Detention? Again? Your driver's licence is suspended!

Well, it's the tenth of August. It's time for me to power through two books. I wouldn't be complaining if the books had substance and weren't just information dumps or boring autobiographies. I want to punch Joel Ben Izzy in the face.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Frequently Harassed Questions

Today, I will be addressing a few questions that people always seem to ask me upon visiting my site. If you would like to have your question answered, just leave a comment below or email me.  

Q. Why is it named QWERTY?

A. That's my nickname. I got it a few years back, due to my fast typing speeds.


Q.  Why is it ""? Why not ".com" or ".net"?

A. Because, I don't feel like paying for a new domain. Plus, the ones I want are already taken. Free up, and maybe I'll think about it.


Q. Your site sucks! There's nothing to do!

A. That wasn't a question, but I'll answer it nonetheless. You see those nice looking pictures? Click one of them.


Q. Can you help me hack somebody?

A. No.


Q. Why not?

A. NO.


Q. Can you help me with something else that involves computers?

A. Happily.


Q. How do I torrent music?

A. Click here, then here.


Q. Why is there never anybody in the IRC channel?

A. Go tell people about it, then there will be.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Well, let's take a moment to welcome my half-baked blog back from the dead. Come here to put some perspective into your life, laugh at how much mine sucks, or to stalk me for personal information. I really don't care.